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We're pleased to welcome you to our site where you will find information, links to research, and recipes all focused around health & wellbeing with microgreens at the heart.


Our microgreens are grown with care and attention in our indoor vertical farm at our home in Perth.  We use the finest seeds (organic where we can), coco coir as our grow medium (it's sterile and has no nasty additives) and water!

By growing indoors under controlled conditions, we can provide quality produce all year round.


Microgreens are young edible vegetables and herbs, harvested around 2 weeks after planting (depending on variety).  They are highly nutritious with research showing they have up to 40 times more nutrients than their adult counterparts.  That's a huge bonus for our health and makes for an easy way to boost our diets.  It is said that eating just 30g of broccoli shoots (for example) is the equivalent of eating 3lbs of adult broccoli!


We love to eat them raw, just adding a handful into our food.  You'll be amazed at how much flavour they add to meals, as well as making food visually more appealing too.  It's like adding that cushion or throw to a sofa, or jewellery / scarf to that outfit ... they just finish the dish off!


If you're ready to try some for yourself, we'd love to offer you a 15% discount off your first order.  Simply use the code FIRSTORDER15 at checkout.  Visit our online shop by clicking on the top menu.


We hope you enjoy! xx

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